Program 8th EBM
8th Evolutionary Biology Meeting at Marseilles
9h40-10h05 (1) »Evolution of the Vertebrate brain, conceptualization with a S.J. Gould
(1941-2002) contribution ». Publications
Michel Thireau Abstract
Departement RDDM (Régulation, Développement, Diversité moléculaire) Unité scientifique du museum 5
10h05-10h30 (2)The Evolution of Body Size, Cope’s Rule and the Origin of Amniotes Presentation
Michel Laurin1 Abstract
Équipe “Formations squelettiques”FRE CNRS 2696, Case 7077, Université Paris 7, 75005 Paris, France. Tel. (33 1) 44 27 36 92 Fax. (33 1) 44 27 56 53
11h00-11h25 (3)Evolution of floral morphology in Detarieae s.l. (Caesalpinioideae) with emphasis on resin producing groups. Abstract
Marie Fougère-Danezan1,2, Patrick Herendeen3, Stéphan Maumont2 and Anne Bruneau1. Poster
1 Institut de Recherche en Biologie Végétale, Université de Montréal, 4101 Sherbrooke est, Montréal, Québec, Canada H1X 2B2.
2 Laboratoire d’Evolution et Diversité Biologique, Bât. 4R3, Université Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, 31 062 Toulouse Cedex 4, France.
Department of Biological Sciences, The George Washington University, 20223 G street NW, Washington DC 20052 USA.
11h25-11h50 (4)Evidence for parallel evolution of color patterns in Malagasy poison frogs (Mantella) Presentation
Ylenia Chiari, Miguel Vences, Axel Meyer Abstract
Dept. of Biology- LS Meyer
P.O. Box M 618
University of Konstanz
78457 Konstanz
11h50-12h20 (5)An urbilaterian origin of the tripartite brain: developmental genetic insights from Drosophila Abstract
Hirth, F.(1), Kammermeier, L.(1), Frei, E.(2), Walldorf, U.(3), Noll, M.(2), and Reichert, H.(1)
Institute of Zoology, Biozentrum/Pharmazentrum, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 50, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland, (2) Institute for Molecular Biology, University of Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland, (3) Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Saarland, Building 61, D-66421 Homburg/Saar, Germany
12h20-14h20 LUNCH
14h20-14h45 (6)Application of the scale-relativity theory to living-beings Presentation
Jean Chaline Abstract
UMR CNRS BIOGEOSCIENCES, 143 avenue Victor Hugo 21 000 Dijon
14h45-15h10 (7)First Genome-Scale Evidence Supporting Ecdysozoa Abstract
Hernán Dopazo & Joaquín Dopazo
Bioinformatics Unit
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO)
Melchor Fernández Almagro, 3
28029, Madrid, Spain
Presented posters :PP6. PP7.PP8.PP9.PP10.PP12
16h50-17h05 (8)“Where phenotypic characters are not enough; the use of the genetics for sponge taxonomy in the Scopalina-like species group” Abstract
Center for Advanced Studies(CSIC). Acces cala St Francesc, 14, 17300 Blanes (Girona) Spain
17h05-17h30 (9) nDNA and mtDNA sequence data help problematic morphological-based taxonomy in Sponges (Poecilosclerida, Hymedesmiidae) Abstract
Center for Advanced Studies (CEAB-CSIC)
C/ Accés Cala sant Francesc, 14. 17300 Blanes (Girona). Spain
17h30-17h55 (10)The family Gadidae revisited: Molecular Phylogeny and Morphological Classifications Abstract
F. TELETCHEA(1), V. LAUDET(2), and C. HÄNNI(1)
CNRS UMR 5534, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
ENS UMR 5161, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France
17h55-18h15 (11)Novel evolutionary relationship among four fish model systems revealed from phylogenomic analysis Abstract
Wei-Jen CHEN Presentation
INRA Bordeaux Domaine de la Grande Ferrade BP81-UMR SV (INRA-ENITAB) 33 883 Villenave d’Ornon, France
(11 bis)Function phylogeny relates LET-756 to FGF9. Abstract
Cornel Popovici, Daniel Birnbaum, Régine Roubin.
Molecular Oncology, Institut Paoli-Calmettes and UMR559 INSERM, Marseill Cancer Research Institute, Marseille, France.
9h00-9h25 (12)Phylogenomic analysis of retrotransposons in Deuterostomia Presentation
KORDIŠ, Dušan Abstract
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
9h25-9h50 (13) Paleogenomic record of the extinction of the human endogenous retrovirus ERV9 Presentation
López-Sánchez, P., X. C. Costas, and H. F. Naveira Abstract
Dep.Biol.Cel. Y Mol., Fac.Ciencias, Univ. A.Coruña, campus de Zapateira s/n, 15 071 Coruña, Spain.
9h50-10h15 (14)Gene duplication in the mosquito Culex pipiens:
adaptative response to insecticide pressure. Presentation
Pierrick Labbé Abstract
Team Genetics of Adaptation, Laboratoire Génétique et Environnement, Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution (UMR CNRS 5554), Université de Montpellier II (C.C. 065), F-34095 Montpellier cedex 05, France
Presented posters: PP1.PP11.PP2.PP3.PP4.PP5.
11h40-12h05 (15)Phylogenetic timing of the fish-specific genome duplication Abstract
Simone Hoegg1, Henner Brinkmann2, John S. Taylor3 and Axel Meyer1
1 University of Konstanz, Germany
2 Université de Montreal, Canada
3 University of Victoria, Canada
12h05-12h30 (16)The role of gene duplication in the evolution of mate recognition systems Abstract
Barbara K. Mable1,2 and Nadia Prigoda1 Presentation
1Department of Botany, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1
2 Current Address: Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, University
12h30-14h15 LUNCH
14h15-14h40 (17)Genome evolution and ancestral tetraploidy in salmonid fish: inferences from comparative linkage maps Abstract
Gharbi K1,2, Danzmann RG1, Cairney M3, Ferguson MM1, Guyomard R2, Holm LE4, Hoyheim B5, Leder EH1,8, Okamoto N6, Ozaki A1,6, Powell R7, Rexroad CE8, Sakamoto T1,6, Taggart JB3, RA Woram1 Presentation
1 Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada
2 Laboratory of Fish Genetics, INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France
3 University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland
4 Danish Institute of Agricultural Science, Tjele, Denmark
5 Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway
6 Department of Aquatic Biosciences, Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan
7 National University of Ireland at Galway, Galway, Ireland
8 USDA/ARS National Center for Cool and Coldwater Aquaculture, Kearneysville, USA
14h40-15h05 (18)Duplicates of the neuropeptide Y and peptide YY genes in ray-finned fishes arose through block (or chromosome) duplications
Karin Nordström, Tomas. A Larsson and Dan Larhammar
Dept of Neuroscience, Uppsala Univ, Sweden
15h05-15h30 (19)Paleopolyploidization in fish genome. Abstract
Frédéric Brunet1, Mathilde Paris1, Hugues Roest Crollius2 Vincent Laudet1, Marc Robinson-Rechavi1
LMBC, INRA LA 1237 CNRS UMR 5661 ENS Lyon, IFR 128 BioSciences Lyon-Gerland, 46, allee d’Italie, F-69634 LYON cedex FRANCE
LDOG, Departement de Biologie, ENS, 46 rue d’Ulm, F-75230 PARIS Cedex 05 France
15h30-15h55 (20)Meeting the demand for innate and adaptive immunity in evolution Presentation
Louis du Pasquier Abstract
Institute of Zoology, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
15h55-16h20 (21) Co-option and the emergence of the Major Histocompatibility Complex Abstract
Etienne Danchin, Verane Vitiello, Alexandre
Vienne, Olivier Richard, Philippe Gouret, Michael
F. McDermott, Pierre Pontarotti Presentation
Phylogenomics Lab AE EGEE (Evolution, Genome, Environment) Université de Provence, Case 36, PI.V. Hugo 13 331 Marseille Cedex 03
16h55-17h20 (22)Structural genomics of Thermotoga maritima and the evolution of thermostability Abstract
Joint Center for Structural Genomics
UCSD, 9500 Gilman drive, La Jolla CA 92093-0527
17h20-17h45 (23) Gene duplication and multifunctionality in the lipocalin protein family Presentation
María D. Ganfornina1, Gabriel Gutierrez2, Antonio Marín3, and Diego Sánchez1. Abstract
1IBGM, Universidad de Valladolid-CSIC, Valladolid 47005, Spain. 2Dpto. Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 41013 Sevilla, Spain. 3Dpto. Genética, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla 41080, Spain.
17h45-18h10 (24)Positive selection on protein-length in the evolution of a primate sperm ion channel Abstract
Ondrej Podlaha* and Jianzhi Zhang Presentation
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
18h10-18h35 (25)Homologues of Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor
from Chinese Amphioxus Abstract
Jingchun Dua, 1, Xiaojin Xiea, 1, Rui Zhub, Hongbin Tua, Huiping Chena, Xiaoyu Jianga, Lei Wanga, Jingxing Oua, Chunyan Moua, Xiaokun Wua, Shicui Zhangc, Anlong Xua,*
aDepartment of Biochemistry, Open Laboratory for Marine Functional Genomics of State High-Tech Development Program, State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering of MOE, College of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, PR China;
bKey laboratory of Genetic Engineering of Education Ministry, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, PR China;
cDepartment of Marine Biology, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, PR China
9h00-9h25 (26)Population genetics of time structured data: an application on cave bear ancient DNA Abstract
Frantz Depaulis1, L. Orlando2, C. Hannï2. Presentation
1 CNRS UMR 7625 – Fonctionnement et Evolution des Systèmes Ecologiques, ENS Paris, France.
CNRS UMR 5534 , Centre de Génétique Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Université Claude Bernard, Villeurbanne, France.
Keywords: coalescent theory, simulations, neutrality tests, cave bear, ancient DNA.
9h25-9h50 (27)Mitochondrial DNA retrieved from Ursus spelaeus specimens of the Chauvet cave (Vallon-Pont-d’Arc, France) Presentation
1 Dept. De Biologie Joliot-Curie, CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex;
2 INSERM U600 FRE2059, Laboratoire d’Immunologie du Pr. Bongrand, Hopital Ste Marguerite, BP29, 13274 Marseille cedex 9;
3 CREPS, Route de Salavas, 07150, Vallon-Pont-d’Arc;
4 11, rue Foucat, 09000 Foix;
5 CNRS UMR 5604, 27 rue Bernard Délicieux, 31200 Toulouse;
6 DRAC Aquitaine, Service Régional de l’Archéologie, 54 rue Magendie, 33000 Bordeaux;
7 Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, 28 boulevard des Belges, 69000 Lyon.
9h50-10h15 (28) Unravelling the story of the sex-ratio trait in Drosophila simulans Presentation
Catherine Montchamp-Moreau Abstract
CNRS UPR9034 Populations Génétique et Evolution, avenue de la Terrasse, 91198 Gif-sur-yvette cedex.
10h15-10h50 BREAK
10h50-11h15 (29) Does the level of genetic variation and structuring influence the distribution and abundance of Persoonia species (Proteaceae)? Presentation
Paul Rymer Abstract
Institute for Conservation biology, Biological Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong NSW
11h15-11h40 (30)Biogeography of African Ranids Abstract
Van der Meijden, A., M. Vences and A. Meyer
Arie van der Meijden
Dept. of Biology- LS Meyer
P.O. Box M 618
University of Konstanz
78457 Konstanz
11h40-12h05 (31) Structure of Triturus cristatus complex in central Europe Presentation
Ales Horak1, Peter Mikulicek2 & Jaroslav Pialek2 Abstract
1 Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Branisovska 31, CZ – 37005 Ceske Budějovice, Czech Republic
2 Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Studenec 122, CZ – 675 02 Koněšín, Czech Republic
12h05-14h15 LUNCH
14h15-14h40 (32)Factors impacting levels of intraindividual length variation in the rRNA expansion helices of two closely related Daphnia species. Abstract
Seanna McTaggart and Teresa J. Crease
University of Guelph, Department of Zoology, Guelph Ontario, Canada.
14h40-15h05 (33)Effects of contemporary and historical processes on population genetic structure of two freshwater species in dryland river systems (western Queensland, Australia) Presentation
Carini G1 and Hughes JM1 Abstract
Address: 1 Centre for Riverine Landscapes, Griffith University, Nathan 4111 Queensland, Australia
15h05-15h30 (34)Using phylogenies to delimitate species Abstract
Elisabeth A. Herniou1, and Tim G. Barraclough1,2
1Imperial College London, Ascot and London UK, 2Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK.
15h30-16h10 BREAK
16h10-16h35 (35) Phylogeographic patterns in groundwater: the case study of Niphargus virei (Crustacea: Amphipoda) Abstract
Douady, C., Lefebure T. and Gibert, J
Laboratoire d’Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes fluviaux, UMR-CNRS 5023. Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I. Campus de la Doua. 6 rue R. Dubois. 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France.
16h35-17h00 (36)Population genetic structure of dioecious versus hermaphrodite Fucus species along sympatric, parapatric and allopatric zones, and the role of hybridisation. Abstract
Cécile PERRIN 1, , Carolyn ENGEL1,2, Claire DAGUIN1,2, Mirjam VAN DE VLIET1, Marta VALENTE1, Marie PASCAL1,2, Sofia CAETANO1,3, Gareth PEARSON1 and Ester SERRAO1
1CCMAR – CIMAR-Laboratório Associado, F.C.M.A., Univ. Algarve, Gambelas, P-8005-139 Faro, Portugal.
2 Present address: Evolution et Génétique des Populations Marines, UMR 7127, CNRS-Université Paris VI, Station Biologique de Roscoff, Place Georges Teissier, 29680 Roscoff Cedex, France.
3 Present address: Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques, Ch. de l’Impératrice, 1, CP 60, CH-1292 Chambésy, Genève, Switzerland
17h00-17h25 (37)Genetic structure of cave-dwelling mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) in the north-west Mediterranean: effects of habitat fragmentation and regional warming Abstract
Lejeusne, C. & Chevaldonné, P.
Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille, UMR CNRS DIMAR 6540
17h25-17h50 (38)Landscape patterns and
environmental selection of multiple species admixture in an oak hybrid region ».
Richard DODD
Department of Environmental Science Policy and Management, 145 Mulford Hall, University of California, berkeley, CA 94720
And for those who would like to discover a wonderful place, rendez vous on Saturday 25th of Sepember for a very nice ballad in one of the most beatiful calanques of Marseilles, Sugiton…( to have a look at it, you can go on this web site:
PP1 Losses of universally conserved genes in our genome. Abstract
Etienne G.J. Danchin, Pierre Pontarotti Poster
Phylogenomics Lab AE EGEE (Evolution, Genome, Environment) Université de Provence, Case 36, PI.V.
PP2 Study of phylogentic relationship through interspecific hybridization and analysis of the causes of sterility in the drosophila bipectinata species complex. Abstract
Paras Kumar
Genetics Laboratory, Departmen of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varansi 221005 India
PP3 Alu Elements Diversity in Rapa Nui (Easter Island): A Molecular Approach to the Human Settlement of the Pacific Abstract
E González-Pérez1, E Esteban1, M Via1, J Santamaría-Tejada1,
C García-Moro1, M Hernández1, P Moral1 Poster
1Unitat d’Antropologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
PP4 Genetic diversity in the Human Androgen Receptor Gene: A look over the Mediterranean variation Abstract
Esteban E1, Rodón N1, González-Pérez E1, Via M1, Santamaría-Tejada J1, Harich N2, Rodríguez MC3, Luna F4, Moral P1* Poster
Unitat d’Antropologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Department of Biology, University Chouaïb-Doukkali, El Jadida, Morocco.
Hospital Central de Asturias, Oviedo, Spain.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
PP5 Human NOS1 genetic variation in West Europe and North Abstract
Authors: Via M1, Rodón N1, González-Pérez E1, Esteban E1, Santamaría-Tejada J1, Harich N2, Dugoujon JM3, Vona G4, Rodríguez MC5, Moral P1 Poster
Department of Animal Biology-Anthropology. University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Department of Biology, University Chouaïb-Doukkali, El Jadida, Morocco.
Center of Anthropology, UMR 8555, CNRS, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France.
Department of Experimental Biology, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
Central Hospital of Asturias, Oviedo, Spain.
PP6 A software platform for fully automated genomic annotation Abstract
Philippe Gouret, Etienne Danchin, and Pierre Pontarotti. Poster
Phylogenomics Lab AE EGEE (Evolution, Genome, Environment) Université de Provence, Case 36, PI.V.
PP7 Relationship between morphological taxonomy and molecular divergences: evidences from crustacean and subterranean animals Abstract
Lefébure T.1, Douady, C. J.1 , Gouy M.2 and Gibert J.1
1 d’Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes fluviaux, UMR-CNRS 5023. é Claude Bernard – Lyon I. Campus de la Doua. 6 rue R. Dubois. 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France.
2 de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive, UMR CNRS 5558. Université Claude Bernard – Lyon 1. 43, bd. du 11 Novembre 1918. 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France.
PP8 The Identification of an Amphioxus Homolog of Human IkBL: Evolutionary Implication of the NF-kB/IkB Pathway Abstract
Xiaojin Xie, Xiaokun Wu, Chunyan Mou, Guangxian Zhang, Shengfeng Huang, Jingchun Du, Jing Su, Cuiling Yu, Anlong Xu*
State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol, Department of Biochemistry, Open Laboratory for Marine Functional Genomics of State High-Tech Development Program, State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering of MOE, College of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, PR China
PP9 Multilevel comparative analysis of the morphology of Santolina pectinata Lag. Abstract
Aixa O. Rivero-Guerra
Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Biología. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología. España (Spain) email:
PP10 Nève, G. 1, Pavlicko, A. 2 & Konvicka, M. 3 2004. T Abstract
Natural colonisation by Proclossiana eunomia : ecological and genetic aspects (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) Poster
Evolution Genome Environnement, Université de Provence 3 Place Victor Hugo 13 331 Marseille Cedex 3
PP11 Non-neutral evolution of the transcribed pseudogene Makorin1-p1 in mice Abstract
Ondrej Podlaha* and Jianzhi Zhang
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
PP12 X-Chromosome STR variation in North West Africa and Iberian Peninsula: human contacts across the Gibraltar Straits? Abstract
J Santamaría-Tejada1, E Esteban1, M Via1, E González-Pérez1, N Harich2, P Moral1 Poster
1Unitat d’Antropologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
PP13 Microsatelite evolution in Lepidoptera Abstract
Emese Meglécz*, Dennis Bourguet, Robert Buthcher, Astrid Caldas, Etienne
Danchin*, Arnaud Estoup, Pierre Franck, Nathalie Faure, Cécile Fauvelot,
Georgina Harper, Nusha Keyghobadi, Conelya Klutsch, Anna Lundhagen, Javare
Nagaraju, Frederic Péténian, Jean-François Silvain. Poster
Evolution Genome Environnement, Université de Provence 3 Place Victor Hugo 13 331 Marseille Cedex 3
PP14 Structural and evolutionary analyses of the Ty3/gypsy group of LTR Abstract
Tubio J.M.C, H.F Naveira, E.Valadé and X.C Costa
Departamento de Xenética, Facultade de bioloxia, Universitad de Santiago de Compostela – 15706 Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
POSTER 15 Recurrent morphological convergence in the red alga Abstract
De Clerck O1 , & Coppejans E1
1Research Group Phycology, Ghent Univeristy, Krijgslaan 281 S8, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
POSTER 16 Identification of vertebrate species by Macroarray-Based Method Abstract
CNRS UMR 5534, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
ENS UMR 5161, 69364 LYON Cedex 07, France
DTAMB, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon-1, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
POSTER 17 Developing expression of a novel β-thymosin homolog gene in amphioxus Abstract
Xiangwei Huang and Hongwei Zhang*
Institute of Developmental Biology, Life Science College, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100, China
POSTER 18 Expression pattern of HMG1/2 gene in the development of amphioxus, Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense Abstract
Xiangwei Huang, Lifeng Wang, Hongwei Zhang
Institute of Developmental Biology, Life Science College, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100, China
POSTER19 Phylogenetic analysis and developmental expression of an amphioxus novel gene, brp-like gene Abstract
Yushuang Lin, Xiaohui Zhang, Kailong Liang, Hongwei Zhang
Institute of Developmental Biology, Life Science College, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100, China
POSTER 20 How many conservation units in Armeria (Plumbaginaceae) from the Var coast-line? A first look by morphometric analysis. Abstract
Pascal Auda, Alex Baumel*, Frédéric Médail, Franck Torre Presentation
Institut Méditerranéen d’Ecologie et de Paléoécologie, UMR CNRS 6116,
University Aix-Marseille II
POSTER 21 Complete mtDNA of Ciona intestinalis reveals extensive gene rearrangement and the presence of an atp8 and an extra trnM genes in ascidians Abstract
Carmela Gissi, Fabio Iannelli and Graziano Pesole Poster
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari e Biotecnologie, Università di Milano, Via Celoria 26, 20133 Milano, Italy.
POSTER 22 Aplication of microsatellite markers to establish the population structure of the sponge Scopalina lophyropod Abstract
Center for Advanced Studies CEAB(CSIC). Acces cala St Francesc, 14, 17300 Blanes (Girona). Spain.
Department of Genetics, University of Barcelona.. Diagonal Av., 645, 08028 Barcelona. Spain
POSTER 23 Diversity and evolution of fungicide resistance in downy mildew populations in vineyards Abstract
Wei-Jen CHEN Poster
INRA BordeauxDomaine de la Grande FerradeBP-81-UMR SV (INRA-ENITAB) 33883 Villenave d’Ornon, France
POSTER 24 The chaetognatha model: phylogeny and evodevo. Abstract
Daniel Papillon.
Centre d’océanologie de MarseilleURM 6540 DIMAR rue batterie des lions 13 007 Marseille
POSTER 25 Genes waiting for recruitment by adaptive immune system, insights from amphioxus Abstract
Cuiling Yu*,, Meiling Dong*,, Xiaokun Wu*,, Shengguo Li§, Shengfeng Huang*, Jing Su*, Jianwen Wei*, Yang Shen*, Chunyan Mou*, Xiaojin Xie*, Jianghai Lin*, Shaochun Yuan*, Xuesong Yu*, Yanhong Yu*, Jingchun Du*, Shicui Zhang†, Xuanxian Peng‡, Mengqing Xiang§, and Anlong Xu*,║
*State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol, Department of Biochemistry, The Open Laboratory for Marine Functional Genomics of State High-Tech Development, Guangzhou Center for Bioinformatics, College of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University, 135 Xingangxi Road, Guangzhou 510275, People’s Republic of China
†Department of Marine Biotechnology, Ocean University of China, 5 Yushan Road,, Qingdao 266003, People’s Republic of China
‡ School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, People’s Republic of China.
§ Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, 679 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854
POSTER 26 Identification and characterization of a recombination activating gene 1 activation gene in Amphioxus (Amphi RGA Abstract
Meiling Dong, Yonggui Fu, Cuiling Yu, Jing Su, Xiaokun Wu, Shengfeng Huang, Yanchun Mou, Shaochun Yuan, Xuesong Yu and Anlong Xu*
Department of Biochemistry, State Open Laboratory for Marine Function Genomics, Guangzhou Center for Bioinformatics, College of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan University), Guangzhou, 510275, P. R. China
POSTER 27 Correlation patterns in Santolina pectinata Lag. Abstract
Authors: Aixa O. Rivero-Guerra
Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Biología. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología. España
POSTER 28 Duplicates of the neuropeptide Y and peptide YY genes in rayfinned fishes arose through block (or chromosome) duplications. Abstract
Larsson, T.A., Sundström, G., Salaneck, E., Brenner, S.*, Venkatesh, B.*, Larhammar, D.
Dept of Neuroscience, Uppsala Univ, Sweden
*Inst Mol Cell Biol, Singapore
POSTER 29 Mitochondrial diversity in an egyptian population from the Delta region Abstract
E. Bouzaïd £, R. Kéfi £, A. Stévanovich*, J-Y Empereur a, F. Paris # , R-P. Gayraud§ and E. Béraud-Colomb£
£: UMR600 INSERM-FRE2059 CNRS Hôpital Sainte Marguerite BP.29- 13277 Marseille CEDEX 9
*: Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Marseille, 97 Boulevard Camille Flammarion, 13248 Marseille Cedex 4 France
a :Centre d’Etudes Alexandrines, UMS-CNRS 1812, 50, rue Soliman Yousri 21131 Alexandrie, Egypte
# : UR088, IRD, BP 434, 1004 El Menzah 4. Tunis, Tunisie
§ :UMR 6572 CNRS, Laboratoire d’Archéologie Médiévale Méditerranéenne, 5 rue du château de l’horloge, BP647, 13094 Aix en Provence Cedex 02, France
POSTER 30 Duplication and loss of NPY receptor genes during actinopterygian evolution. Abstract
Salaneck, E., Larson, E.T., Larsson, T.A., Sundström, G., Brenner, S.*, Venkatesh, B.* & Larhammar,
Dept of Neuroscience, Uppsala Univ, Sweden
*Inst Mol Cell Biol, Singapore
POSTER 31 Functional study of Tumor Protein p53 Induced Nuclear Protein 1 (TP53INP1) by phylogenetic analysis Abstract
Jonathan Nowak1 ,Christine Brun 2, Juan Iovanna1, and Marie- Josèphe Pébusque1
1INSERM U624, Stress cellulaire, Parc Scientifique et Technologique de Luminy. Case 915, 13288 Marseille Cedex 9, France; 2LGPD-IBDM, Parc Scientifique et Technologique de Luminy, Case 907, 13288 Marseille Cedex 9, France
POSTER 32 Towards a complete phylogenetic analysis to decipher functions of genes implicated in Human disorders ; through the example of peptidyl arginine deiminase genes (PADIs) Abstract
N. Balandraud, P. Gouret, E. Danchin, P. Pontarotti
EGEE Université de Provence 3, place Victor Hugo 13 331 Marseille Cedex
POSTER 33 Identification of the mammalian not gene via a phylogenomic approach Abstract
Plouhinec, J.-L.1, Granier, C.2, Le Mentec, C.1, Lawson, K.A. 3, Sabéran-Djoneidi, D. 2, Aghion, J. 2, Shi, D.L.4, Collignon, J.2 and Mazan, S.1
1 Développement et Evolution des Vertébrés, UMR 8080, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 ORSAY, France
2 Departement de Biologie du Développement, Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS, Universités Paris 6 et Paris7, 75251 Paris cedex 05, France
3 Hubrecht Laboratory, Netherlands Institute for Developmental Biology, Uppsalalaan 8, 3584 Utrecht Netherlands
4 Groupe de Biologie Expérimentale, CNRS UMR 7622, 9 quai Saint-Bernard, 75005 Paris, France
POSTER 34 Seed plant phylogenomics: insights from multigene analyses of est and genomic data. Abstract
José Eduardo de la Torre a,b, Mary Eganc, Manpreet Katari d, Joanna Chiua, Ernest Leec, Eric Brennera,b, Richard McCombied, Rob Martienssend, Dennis Stevensonb, Gloria Coruzzi a , Rob DeSallec
The New York Plant Genomics Consortium : aBiology Department, New York University, bThe New York Botanical Garden, cAmerican Museum of Natural History, dCold Spring Harbor Laboratory
POSTER 35 Development of an effective method to tag escherichia coli chromosomal genes based on recombineering. Abstract
MeiKid Leong1*, Antoine Danchin2, Jian-Dong Huang1
1. Department of Biochemistry, The University of Hong Kong, 3/F Laboratory Block, Faculty of Medicine Building, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, SAR, China
2. Unite GGB, URA 2171, Institut Pasteur, 28 rue Dr. Roux, 75015 Paris, France
POSTER 36 Pitfalls of multiple data sets phylogenetic analysis Abstract
EGEE Université de Provence 3, place Victor Hugo 13 331 Marseille Cedex
POSTER 37 Biodiversity of Neotropical Lissamphibia in French Guyana. : a surprising underestimation ! Abstract
Fouquet A., Salducci MD., Marty C., Blanc M. and A. Gilles
EGEE Université de Provence 3, place Victor Hugo 13 331 Marseille Cedex
POSTER 38 Study of Cyprinid’s hybrid zone over space and time. Abstract
C. Costedoat, N. Pech, D. Salducci, R. Chappaz & A. Gilles
Unité Evolution Génome Environnement, EA 3781, Equipe Biodiversité Ecogénomique. Université de Provence -Case 36-. 3, Place Victor Hugo, 13331 Marseille Cedex 03, France.
POSTER 39 A foundation for insect phylogenomics: Shallow EST sampling for 34 species Abstract
Joseph Hughes, Stuart Longhorn, Anna Papadopoulou, Kosmas Theodorides,
Alexandra De Riva, Mejia-Chang, Peter G. Foster and Alfried P. Vogler
Department of Entomology, Natural History Museum, London.
Department of Biological Sciences, Imperial College London.
POSTER 40 Identification of Xenopus and zebrafish NRL genes via a phylogenomic analysis – Expression during embryogenesis and in the differentiated retina Abstract
Coolen, M., Le Mentec, C., Bourrat, F.*, Mazan, S., and Plouhinec, J. L.
Equipe Développement et Evolution des Vertébrés », UMR 8080, Université Paris-Sud
91405 Orsay, France
* « Equipe INRA Morphogenèse du SNC des Chordés », UPR 2197 DEPSN, Institut A. Fessard, Avenue de la Terrasse, 91 190 GIF SUR YVETTE
POSTER 41 Computational development for biochemical functional shift detection. Abstract
Philippe Lieutaud*, Marc Beaucourt , Emmanuel Onzon Poster
PhyGenix, Université de Provence Centre St Charles 13003 Marseille EGEE laboratory Université de Provence Centre St Charles 13003 Marseille
POSTER 42 Three informatic tools dedicated to phylogenomy and sequence analyse Poster
Blanc Mathieu, Lyonnet Alexandra, Schellenberger Antoine
PhyGenix, Université de Provence Centre St Charles 13003 Marseille EGEE laboratory Université de Provence Centre St Charles 13003 Marseille
POSTER 43 Evidence of accelerated rate of evolution in plant homeobox gene evolution Abstract
Krishanu Mukherjee and Thomas Bürblin
Departement of Biosciences at Novum, Karolinska Institute, Sodertorns Hogskola, Natural Sciences, Alfred Nobels Alle 7, S-14186, Huddinge, Sweden
POSTER 44 Nematode homeobox gene evolution Abstract
Krishanu Mukherjee and Thomas Bürblin
Departement of Biosciences at Novum, Karolinska Institute, Sodertorns Hogskola, Natural Sciences, Alfred Nobels Alle 7, S-14186, Huddinge, Sweden
POSTER 45 Otx/otd Homeobox Genes in nematodes Abstract
Yong-Guang Tong, Krishanu Mukherjee, Patrick Dessi and Thomas Bürblin
Departement of Biosciences at Novum, Karolinska Institute, Sodertorns Hogskola, Natural Sciences, Alfred Nobels Alle 7, S-14186, Huddinge, Sweden
POSTER 46 The Study of Egg-shell formation in Haploporus benedenii (Haploporidae:Digenea:Trematoda) Abstract
Majid Sampour
Department of Biology,University of Luristan Khoramabad,Iran.
POSTER 47 Signature of recent historical events in the European Y-chromosomal STR haplotype distribution Abstract
Peter J.P. Croucher1 Lutz Roewer2, Tim Lu1, Sascha Willuweit2, Manfred Kayser3, Peter de Knijff4, Mark A. Jobling5, Chris Tyler-Smith6, Michael Krawczak1
1 Institute of Medical Informatics and Statistics, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany – 2 Institute of Legal Medicine, Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany – 3 Department of Forensic Molecular Biology, University Medical Centre Rotterdam, The Netherlands – 4 Forensic Laboratory for DNA Research, Leiden University, The Netherlands – 5 Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, UK – 6 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK
POSTER 48 Vicariance patterns in the Mediterranean Sea : East-West cleavage and low dispersal in the endemic seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Abstract
Sophie Arnaud-Haond1*, Elena Diaz-Almela2, Sara Teixeira1, Filipe Alberto1, Gabriele Procaccini3,Carlos M. Duarte2, Ester Serrão1
1CCMAR – Center for Marine Sciences, F.C.M.A.- Univ. Algarve, Gambelas, P-8005-139, Faro ; PORTUGAL. ( (351) 289 800 928.,, 2 IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), C/ Miquel Marques 21, 07190 Esporles, Mallorca ; SPAIN. (( (34) 971 611725., 3 Stazione Zoologica ‘A. Dohrn’, Laboratorio di Ecologia del Benthos, 80077 Ischia, Naples; ITALY. ((39) 0815833259. *Corresponding author: S. Arnaud-Haond
POSTER 49 Branch and topology testing using weighted least squares test statistic Abstract
Borys Wróbel, Rafael Sanjuán, Andrès Moya, Fernando González-Candelas
Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biología Evolutiva, Universitat de València ;
Impact of 1997-98 ENSO induced fires and logging on genetic diversity :
Population genetics of Drupadia theda (Lycaenidae) in East Kalimantan
C Fauvelot, DFR Cleary, SBJ Menken
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, 1098 SM Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
POSTER 51 A comparative in silico analysis of ARF-related GTPases in eukaryotes Abstract
Marek Elias
Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Science, Charles University – Vinicna 5, Praha 2, 128 44, Czech Republic
POSTER 52 Mitochondrial genetic variation in Taforalt and Afalou, two ancient populations in North Africa. Abstract
*U600 INSERM – FRE2059 CNRS – Laboratoire d’Immunologie, Hôpital de Sainte-Marguerite – BP 29, 13274 Marseille Cedex 09 France – #Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Marseille,97 Boulevard Camille Flammarion, 13248 Marseille Cedex 4 France
POSTER 53 Polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA and a cytoplasmic symbiotic bacteria Wolbachia in rural and urban Culex pipiens mosquitoes populations in Russia Abstract
I.A.Zakharov-Gezekhus, E.V.Shaikevich, E.B.Vinogradova
Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Moscow; Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia