As it is an international congress the official language of this congress is ENGLISH
There are 3 possibilities of presentation:
Poster size should be about: 1m x 1.2 m. Posters placing will be the first day of the meeting.
- Posters with fast presentation:
Short 5 min talks for some posters will be presented, followed by a maximum of one question (1 min max.) if necessary.
Talks are scheduled for 23 minutes including questions.
Some advice for oral presentation using powerpoint
- Avoid tables and prefer figures.
- If a table is essential, make it as small as possible, certainly not more than 3 lines and three columns of data. – Throughout the presentation, use fonts big enough for everybody to read. Avoid fancy fonts and shadows, and prefer easily readable fonts like Arial or Helvetica. Bear in mind that somebody from the last row of the lecture theatre will be looking at your slide from a distance of 18 m, which would be like looking at a 17 inches screen from a distance of 1.4 m, instead of the usual 65 cm.
- For text and figures, use white against a dark background rather than the print black against white version.
- Figures: Make sure that the dendrograms you present are readable. Do not put more than 12 terminal names to be read!
- Be aware that this is a general evolutionary biology congress.Most of the audience do not know your species of interest. Give theme the necessary information, but do not loose your audience into the details. Try to answer the question: what should i tell to colleagues who work on other study systems?
- Timing: Rechearse in order to make sure that your fit into the allocated time.